What are Vitamin Infusions?
Administration of a liquid mixture of vitamins and minerals directly into the bloodstream intravenously (through a needle that is passed directly into your vein) is known as vitamin infusions. The ingredients that are commonly used in vitamin infusions include vitamin C, vitamin B, calcium, magnesium, and may also contain amino acids and antioxidants.
Indications for Vitamin Infusions
Vitamin infusions have gained prominence over the past few years and have been recommended by IV vitamin therapy clinics to improve energy levels, stimulate the immune system, get rid of toxins from your body, balance hormones, and help with stress, depression, jetlag, sleep issues, and other conditions.
Vitamin infusions have been indicated by alternative therapy clinics to treat various conditions such as anemia, migraines, hypertension, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD), diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia (widespread musculoskeletal pain), allergies, muscle spasms, as well as sinus and respiratory tract infections.
Who is a Good Candidate for Vitamin Infusions?
Vitamin infusions are usually employed to administer essential nutrients and hydrate patients. You are a good candidate for vitamin infusions if:
- You have an illness that interferes with absorption of nutrients
- You are unable to eat enough food
- You have long-term difficulty in eating or drinking due to surgery
- You have a severe nutrient deficiency involving a specific nutrient
What Happens During Vitamin Infusions?
When you undergo an infusion of vitamins, your body is receiving a higher concentration of vitamins. A vitamin that is taken orally breaks down in the stomach and digestive tract and is limitedly absorbed, around 50 percent. However, if the vitamin is infused intravenously, it is absorbed at a much higher percentage, around 90 percent, enabling the nutrients to be absorbed quickly and directly into the bloodstream. This produces greater levels of vitamins and minerals in your body than the vitamins normally derived from food or supplements.
Procedure for Vitamin Infusions
Vitamin infusion is a simple procedure that is carried out in a medical office or clinic setting and generally takes anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour. The infusion procedure in general involves:
- You will be asked to sit or lie down.
- A qualified nurse will locate the site of infusion, which is typically your arm.
- Your nurse will disinfect the skin over the injection site, locate a vein and insert a needle or IV catheter into it to connect the liquid vitamin bag.
- Your nurse will then monitor the vitamin infusion to ensure the rates of vitamins and minerals are being administered appropriately.
- Once the vitamin infusion is completed, the needle is removed and a small bandage is placed on the injection site to complete the procedure.
Risks and Complications of Vitamin Infusions
Vitamin infusions are relatively a safe procedure; however, a few risks may be associated with it including:
- Allergic reaction
- Infection
- Blood clots
- Vein inflammation and irritation
- Air embolism
- Vitamin overload